Belief is a wise wager. Granted that faith cannot be proved, what harm will come to you if you gamble on its truth and it proves false? If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation, that He exists.

Belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence.

Belief like any other moving body follows the path of least resistance.

Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives.

Believe Big. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success. Remember this, too! Big ideas and big plans are often easier — certainly no more difficult — than small ideas and small plans.

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.

Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.

Believe nothing merely because you have been told it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be kind, conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings — that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide.

Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.

Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.

Believe that you possess a basic goodness, which is the foundation for the greatness you can ultimately achieve.

Believing: it means believing in our own lies. And I can say that I am grateful that I got this lesson very early.

Beware of assumptions! Whatever you ''assume'' to be possible — or impossible will have a tendency to become real for you.

By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.

Confronted with the impossibility of remaining faithful to one's beliefs, and the equal impossibility of becoming free of them, one can be driven to the most inhuman excesses.

Conviction never so excellent, is worthless until it coverts itself into conduct.

Devout believers are safeguarded in a high degree against the risk of certain neurotic illnesses; their acceptance of the universal neurosis spares them the task of constructing a personal one.

Drugs are not always necessary, but belief in recovery always is.

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.

Every dogma has its day.

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